Lots of diverse activity lately has been stimulating; CarbonMasters course @ Cooperative Extension, Democracy School, books on Lincoln [Team of Rivals], James Madison [Richard Brookhiser] & pre-Columbus Americas [1491].
Follow that up with a flying trip back east to NC to visit son, Tom & to Tennessee to visit Brother-In-Law Richard.
Nice Fall weather everywhere, football season in full swing, good food, good rest equals good time.
But, the Internet just won't go away, which tends to bring me back to a reality I don't always enjoy.
Read 'em and weep; but at least the word is getting out widely about the latest big scam of shipping coal to Newcastle -er, I mean China.
Too bad Dan Pike gets his kisser shown again free, this close to elections, but that goes with the territory I guess.
Wonder what he'll do once he's out of office as Mayor?
Probably, just use that as another 'skill set' to help find new work.
I do wish him well -in some other line of work..
PS - Another related link
And another, over at Crosscut, compliments of Floyd McKay