Friday, April 1, 2016

Personal: An e-Mail to Missus Joan

Today is April 1, 2016, another good day for you, Joan Casey, to recover your health and strength, and that's not a joking matter,

Here is some news that will definitely cheer you up: 
SSA Marine is suspending its EIS on the proposed GPT Coal Terminal at Cherry Point!

These are links to stories that appear in today's Bellingham Herald, Seattle Times and Northwest Citizen:

1. Lead story

2. Project Timeline

3. Corps of Engineers Statement on EIS decision

Here is the link to Seattle Times Article:

And, here's the link to Northwest Citizen Article:

That's quite enough excitement for you right now, since you need mostly rest to get better.

I have decided to post here the e-mail updates I've been sending to people about your health:
To: Missus Joan

From: Mister John

Here is the latest report I’ve sent to 'The World’ today, regarding your present health status.Since many of the 150+ forwarded recipients haven’t heard of your recent health problems, I am also repeating the first Update below for reference.

While you are continuing to improve, it will take a while before you can travel by car to reach our home in Bellingham - 750 miles north. Maybe a few days, possibly more, as time will tell.

You are receiving excellent care here at SRMC, and the Doctors have coordinated with your Doctors in Seattle about your treatment plans. They are working diligently at helping you get better. 

But, you are the main player in this real life drama! Your job is to REST, BREATHE better, LOSE the anxiety, and MAINTAIN a positive attitude. That’s it! Tough job but you can do it - strong woman that you are.

So, I’m asking those recipients who wish to communicate their good wishes to continue doing so through me, as your loving husband and self-appointed gatekeeper for now.

So, without further ado, here's the first Health Update repeated below.

Hope you approve - and IMPROVE! 

This is an update on Joan's condition:

On our way home from San Francisco to Bellingham, we made a rest stop in Redding, CA, where Joan was too weak to walk. I helped her to the restroom, then concluded a call to local EMS was necessary. This occurred on Tuesday, March 22, about 6PM.

Joan was taken to Shasta Regional Medical Center, where she remains today.
She is improving slowly from Oxygen depletion in her blood, severe dehydration and some unknown infection, eating well and sleeping better, but still regaining her strength and ability to breathe adequately. It will likely be a few more days before she is ready to travel by car.

Meanwhile, both of our cell phones work, but it is better to call me @ 360 961-4579.
Also, e-mail and messages work. 

I am staying in rooms maintained by the hospital across the street, so I see her often. The facilities here @ SRMC are excellent, rated in the 100 best hospitals in the US for 2 years running. 
The local Doc has been in touch with Joan's Pulmonologist @ Univ of Washington hospital in Seattle, and they concur with her treatment plans. That is not a concern.

So, bottom line is not to worry overmuch. She is receiving excellent care, but your prayers and supportive thoughts are always very welcome!😀
John Watts & Joan Casey
1015 W Toledo St
Bellingham, WA 98229
360 647-2346
(360) 961-4579

In happier and healthier days-