Let's begin anyway.
Many notable writings have issued in just the last few days that relate to the proposed GPT project.
Yes, I say the proposed project, because it hasn't happened yet.
Anyone think of just buying this property and making our local discussion moot?
Wonder what it would take? $10 million? Twenty?
Everyone's got their price you know, especially corporations.
Hey, its only money!
But, I digress....
Here's today's reading list, in no particular order:
http://www.powerpastcoal.org/ - A good website supported by the Sierra Club, others
http://blogs.bellinghamherald.com/politics/politics/update-with-gateway-pacific-terminal-news/ - One of several articles published in the Bellingham Herald; San Juan County requests being included in EIS.
http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/07/11/2597953/coal-export-opponents-warn-of.html - 60-page report issued by Western Organization of Resource Councils on impacts of increased coal train traffic in 4 northwestern states.
http://heraldnet.com/article/20120708/NEWS01/707089952?utm_source=Sightline+Newsletters&utm_campaign=a056e52c85-SightlineDaily&utm_medium=email#Train-terminal-worries-Edmonds - A Sightline article focused on Edmonds, WA and the access problems that increased coal trains would create.
https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/publications/ecy05045.pdf - WA State website links related to the Dept of Ecology, SEPA [State Environmental Policy Act] Checklist, etc.
http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/e-review.html - WA State website
http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/sepa/pdf/checklist_guidance.pdf - WA State website
http://energy.gov/nepa/office-nepa-policy-and-compliance - US Govt website links for Dept of Energy, NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act], etc.
http://www.cascadiaweekly.com/currents/opinion/best_democracy_money_can_buy/ - Cascadia Weekly Gristle that identifies the problem of too much corporate power.
http://www.heavytrafficahead.org/ - A website focused on train traffic
http://www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2012/07/detailed_study_of_potential_co.html?utm_source=Sightline+Newsletters&utm_campaign=381f4ba50b-SightlineDaily&utm_medium=email - Sightline study of potential coal train problems; same WORC 60-page report
http://prospect.org/article/digging-china?utm_source=Sightline+Newsletters&utm_campaign=381f4ba50b-SightlineDaily&utm_medium=email - Sightline article that questions exporting US coal to China by the editor of Earth Island Journal.
http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2012/07/11/2598648/study-coal-terminal-near-bellingham.html - Another Herald article citing the 60-page WORC report, questioned by BNSF.
http://crosscut.com/2012/07/12/coal-ports/109550/coal-ports-trains-seattle-edmonds-bellingham/ - Floyd McKay's latest Crosscut piece cites potential negative impacts to existing business by GPT, other coal trains.
http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/episodes/2012/03/12/demon-coal-part-1/ A Canadian [CBC] website worth checking out; includes audio recordings.
http://www.whatcomwatch.org/php/WW_open.php?id=1449 - From the July issue of Whatcom Watch
Stay tuned for more exciting episodes in the coming weeks, months, and maybe years!